Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Acara Akhir Tahun

Terasa panjang sungguh hari Jumaat, Sabtu, Ahad and Isnin yg lepas. As usual DHL suka kumpul kumpul bagi thirt pastu suh work harder. Haha.. So we- me and the new editor of this cute small blog kak hufi were attending Year End conference. Semua mat mat minah minah salleh, Caucasian dari Europe tu pun turun la ke Cyberjaya dengan jayanya. 
How we wish we can see some Asian look alike face at the front

We were provided with questionnaire sheet is usual. That day that was a machine came along, called clicker. So kisah dia macam kita nak vote peserta peserta kegemaran macam kat reality TV. But there, we were given teasing questions and one of the good example is:
What do always you do right after arrived at your workstation in the morning?
a. responding to emails
d.waiting for my boss coming

tu sebagai contoh jela. saya tak ingat exact question been threw at that moment sebab terlalu teruja dengan teknologi~~fineeee
So, it was like hahahaha after 10 secs the percentage of respons came out at the screen. Everyone was like this is cooool men! Yela sebab semua 500+- yg attend dapat mendalah clicker tu kan. So kiranya result tu valid. Hati ke hati. Tapi bg saya ada gak yg tak ikhlas tu sebab gaji baru je kuar hari yg sama. Owh top management sgt bijak hokey. Ape lg after conference, editor dan kami (kena sebut editor dulu baru afdal) menyerbu ayam penyet yg sedap kat Cyberjaya tu.
Ni la ayam yg telah dipenyetkan sampai sedap ittew
Rasa ayam penyet ria ni ok la. Not bad at all. Sambal yg sgt pedas and kalau basuh tangan 10 kali baru hilang bau belacan dia yer.
serius editor ni. ::bila la nak makan ni haa::
memang terbaik sampai kak hufi pun termenung tau bila bau aroma yg menusuk sum sum ittew.

Semua happy macam raya last friday sebab semua dapat balik pukul 3.30. Sebab malamnya ada dinner and dance bertema bagai mouline rouge. kat Sunway hotel spa and resor~owh plis lah sexy bangat kalau nak jadi mouline rouge weh.

So end up me and my partner pakai mix and match dress je. Ok wat, elegant yet covered.

The party was fun but the food served a bit lousy. Dan biasalah bila campur dengan pelbagai bangsa warna kulit merah pink cekelat budaya pun dab bercampur. Yang penting jgn culture syok and always be YOU!.

Sampai sini dulu entry kali ni. Ada masa update lagi.

::the way i am absorbing new things in life::

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