It's Tuesday 9th August and I'm alone here in the office. Since DHL ITS Cyberjaya is another IT center separate from Prague , most of my officemate are there, working on for a knowledge management project. Well,dah 9 hari puasa, alhamdulillah...everything went well. Looking forward to register for my master degree this coming Sunday and the chronology doing continuosly enjoyable. I hope so. Punch in for master in August, engage in September, convocation in October and hectic preparation for Mrs. to be in December is expected.
Dari Anas r.a, dia berkata bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w pernah berdoa:

Maksudnya: “Ya Allah tidak ada kemudahan selain apa yang Engkau jadikan mudah dan Engkau dapat menjadikan perkara sulit menjadi mudah jika Engkau kehendaki” (H.R Ibn Hibban dan sanadnya dihukum sahih bertepatan dengan syarat Muslim dalam kitab al-Silsilah al-Sahihah, No. 2886).
I think I love this pix the most. Back in 2009 when there's no fluffy me yet. |
::The time running fast and yet we feel everything is just begun yesterday::
ReplyDeleteInsyallah smoga semuanya brjln dgn lancar sprti ape yg dirancang...
Tahniah Az...n smoga berjaya
Terima Kasih anonymous...amin..
ReplyDeletethe time is double fast now