Thursday, January 20, 2011

i am so happy when i get book for free...

i am seriously pokai dear scholar didn't release yet. so terrible. kenapala lambat sangat..PTPTN da masuk awal da..setiap sem saya dah immune dah dengan mesej dan email dari pejabat bendahari UiTM. haha...korang pernah ke? even my name also been attached at the faculty information board. popular saya...
semalam received email dari UiTM dah untuk semester ni punya yuran pengajian..
haha....mesti korang sian kan kat saya after baca email di's ok..i'll be fine...(fine pun ada dua maksud)

tu cerita sedih...saya ada cerita happy jugak hari ini..

i really love collecting books..especially buku fiction atau general fact atau self improvement..tapi saya tak boleh pg kedai buku time takde duit..nanti nanges..haha..takde duit kan nak beli..

tapi hari ni alhamdulillah rezeki saya murah..i just got one complimentary book from the author himself..

who sean actually is?
one of the 'wow' people i ever met.
he's a trainer- a professional trainer. he taught me soft skill during my USP course and he is very cool though. about the book..
it'is not that expensive pun...RM20..i nak beli buku ni dulu masa course tu tapi i malu nak tanya sean. then after the course i messaged him that i want the book. but then i tak sabar sgt nak balik umah dan tak sempat nak duit plak x da and tadi i apologized him. tup tup sean msg me and told that he glad to give his book complimentary..owh, i am speechless. thanks sean...thank you very much..i am so happy.

::the way i learn something today. it is not about the money that made us decide something. it is about someone's courage and interest that make people think::

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